Pismo zahvale Egitim Sen – Zahvalnica

Dear Džemaludin Poturović,
After the two earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.6 that struck on 6 February, a human tragedy is unfolding in a large region including Turkey and Syria. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people have lost their lives, millions of people have been left homeless in harsh winter conditions as a result of the devastating earthquake that has affected approximately 15 million people. As a result of the eartquakes, unfortunately, 50 of our members also lost their lives and thousands of our members were left homeless.
The inadequacy of search and resque teams and aid dispatch further aggravated the extent of the disaster. However, peoples in Turkey and all over the world have mobilised to deliver aid to the earthquake zones.
As Egitim Sen, together with our confederation KESK, we set up a crisis desk in the first day of the earthquaqe and started an aid campaign for the region and our members affected by earthquakes. By setting up coordination tents in the earthquake regions, we provided tents, heaters, hygiene materials, blankets and dry food aid to our members affected by the earthquake.
The support of our friends in this challenging process means a great deal to us. We are strengthened by Sindikat Srednjeg I Visokog Obrazovanja, Odjova, Nauke I Kulture I Bosne Hercegovine (SSVOONK BiH)’s donation of solidarity to Egitim Sen in this difficult process we are going through.
We know that you are our friends and we express our gratitude for not leaving us alone in these difficult times.
Yours sincerely,
In solidarity
On Behalf of Egitim Sen Central Executive Committee

[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/10AH9BaHsu3b-0T1Qpdy7wuV2PgEv2Dkx/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”Letter of Appreciation.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”1000″ style=”embed”]

Poštovani Džemaludine Poturoviću,
Nakon dva zemljotresa magnitude 7,8 i 7,6, koja su nas pogodila 6. februara, ljudske tragedije su se odvijale u mnogim regijama u Turskoj i Siriji. Nažalost, deseci hiljada ljudi su izgubili svoje živote, a milioni su ostali bez domova u teškim zimskim uvjetima zbog posljedica razarajućeg zemljotresa koji je pogodio oko 15 miliona ljudi. Kao posljedica ovih zemljotresa, nažalost, 50 naših članova je izgubilo svoje živote, a hiljade njih su ostali bez svojih domova.
Neadekvatnost slanja pomoći, potrage i spasilačkih timova su još više usporili i otežali ovu katastrofu. Međutim, ljudi u Turskoj i širom svijeta su se pokrenuli da dostave pomoć zonama pogođenim potresom.
Kao Egitim Sen, zajedno sa našim saveznikom KESK, formirali smo krizni štab prvog dana zemljotresa te započeli akciju za pomoć tim regijama, te našim članovima pogođenim potresom. Postavili smo šatore za koordinaciju u pogođenim regijama, nabavili smo šatore, grijalice, sredstva za higijenu, deke i suhu hranu za naše članove pogođene potresom.
Podrška naših prijatelja u ovom teškom procesu nam znači puno. Mi smo ojačani od strane Sindikata srednjeg i visokog obrazovanja, odgoja, nauke i kulture Bosne i Hercegovine (SSVOONK BIH) i njihovom donacijom solidarnosti Egitim Senu u ovom teškom procesu kroz koji prolazimo.
Znamo da ste vi naši prijatelji i ovime izražavamo našu zahvalnost što nas niste ostavili same u ovim teškim vremenima.
S poštovanjem,
U solidarnosti,
U ime Egitim Sen Centralne izvršne komisije,
Predsjednica EGITIMSEN

[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ini68PF8LfJJLq7Xqh4GzwhQe7HabYV5/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”ZAHVALA.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”1000″ style=”embed”]